List Of Human Foods Which Dogs Can And Can’t Eat

Eating Habits Of Dogs

Dogs have different food habits when compared to humans. Their procedure of breaking the food, absorbing it differs from the way a human does. For this reason, some food that is considered safe for human beings is found to be potentially toxic and deadly for dogs. In contrast, even such foods are perfectly safe for humans and dogs to consume at the occasional treat.

List Of Human Foods Which Dogs Can And Can’t Eat



Carrots can be consumed both in the raw as well as cooked state by the dog. They have low-calorie content and are considered to be a good vitamin, minerals, and fiber source. Therefore, it is regarded as one of the healthy foods that the dogs could probably snack on. However, make sure to cut them into small bite-size pieces. This will prevent them from being choked.

Grapes And Raisins

Dogs should never be served grapes and raisins. The presence of toxic compounds makes it harmful for consumption. It even has the potential to attract kidney failures and death. Even a small quantity of grapes and raisins could make the dog sick. So, it is better to avoid serving this to the dog.


The inclusion of salt in the diet of the dog should be in limited quantity. Excessive intake of salt may lead to deprivation of the body of water or might cause poisoning. It might result in vomiting, diarrhea, vomiting, and seizures. So, it is better not to feed the dog any salty food such as chips or pretzels. At the same time, make sure to provide a sufficient amount of water for the dogs to drink. This will prevent any water deprivation issues.

Peanut Butter

The consumption of peanut butter is considered to be healthy as well as safe for dogs. However, make sure to serve the peanut butter in some limited quantities. It has got high fat and calorie content, which might lead to rapid weight gain.


Cooked eggs are said to be highly nutritious for dogs. An egg provides all the required minerals and vitamins along with the proteins for its body. Various scientific shreds of evidence have reflected that it can provide relief to the dogs against nausea. Well, if consumed in the raw state, there are chances of attracting the risk of infection.


Salmon is one of the good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. This helps in the reduction of inflammation. It is always good for the dogs to consume cooked and boneless salmon. It helps in keeping the skin and fur of the dog in a healthy state. However, raw salmon should not be served.


Dogs should never be offered chocolate. The presence of theobromine and caffeine does not permit the body to work efficiently. Consumption of chocolates might lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration, leading to various serious complications.


Though there are safe to be consumed by the dog but should be given in limited quantity, the presence of fat and lactose in cheese might bring many digestive issues such as stomach pain or diarrhea. So, to avoid any such complications, it is better recommended to gradually include the cheese in the diet.


Blueberries are known to provide disease-fighting ability. It has a significant amount of minerals, vitamins, and fibers, which are highly beneficial for the dog’s health. Even due to the low-calorie content, they are an excellent choice for the health-conscious treatment of the dog.


Plain air-popped popcorn without much salt addition can be offered as the occasional treat to the dogs. Salt is known to draw various severe complications. At the same time, make sure that the kernels are popped adequately as they might get stuck within the dogs’ teeth and lead to choking hazards.


The intake of the cashews must be made in a limited quantity. Roasted, plain, and unsalted ones are safe for the dog’s consumption. One must remember that cashews are rich in fat and calorie content, which might lead to quick weight gain and pancreatic issues if consumed in excess quantities.

Macadamia Nuts

Keep in mind that Macadamia nuts should never be served to the dogs. These nuts contain some unknown toxin substances, which lead to various health complications like vomiting, tremors, hyperthermia, muscle weakness, and depression. Even the high-fat content might evaluate the triglyceride level and pancreatitis issue in the dog.


Though it is safe for the dog to consume almonds, make sure to limit the quantity consumption. As they are difficult to be consumed by the dogs, it results in vomiting and diarrhea. It is better to serve the almonds in small quantities else, and it might result in weight gain and pancreatitis issues.


It is safe for dogs to consume fresh pineapple in small quantities. Pineapple is known as a nutrient-dense snack as it is full of minerals, vitamins, and fibers. Hence, the inclusion of pineapple in small amounts is good. Else, it might result in diarrhea and nausea if consumed in too much quantity.


Dogs should never be fed onions. It is considered to be toxic to dogs. It destructs and damages the red blood cells, which reduces the ability of the body to carry the usual oxygen content, resulting in anemia. This might result in limp, weakness, and fainting situations, which would decrease the appetite level. In severe cases, the dog suffering from anemia might require blood transfusion treatment.


It is safe for the consumption of dogs as long as it does not contain any watermelon rind or seeds. Though watermelon is considered to be healthy for dos its roots, it has choking hazards. It might result in various digestive problems.

Cottage Cheese

Dogs are to be served cottage cheese in limited amounts. Generally, it has been experienced that dogs suffer from some digestive issues such as nausea and diarrhea.


Bread made from plain white or whole-grain can be included as the occasional treat for the dogs. It would be best to be cautious that the bread does not contain any such ingredients, such as raisins, which might threaten the dog’s health. At the same time, bread helps put up weight in no time due to the extra calories.


No doubt, blackberries are considered to be a healthy serving for . The presence of low-calorie content and rich minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants make it a safe food for dogs.


Dogs should never be served Avocados. The presence of a toxin called persin in it is considered to be poisonous for them. This might even cause fluid accumulation in the chest and lungs, leading to many breathing issues, deprivation of oxygen, and even death.


Corn can be served in moderate amounts. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals. However, while doing, it should be kept in mind that the dog is not fed on the cob. Cob is hazardous and might lead to many intestinal obstructions.


Only ripe tomatoes can be offered to the dogs. Green tomatoes contain a toxic named glycoalkaloid. This might lead to the lowering of the heartbeat, weakness in the muscle, and difficulties in breathing.

Green Peas

They are considered to be safe for the consumption purpose of the dog. It is a common food item included in the diet of the dogs. It is known for its good taste and, at the same time, low-calorie content. However, dogs should not be offered canned foods instead.


Oatmeal is one of the safe foods which contain fibers, vitamins, and minerals. At the same time, oatmeal intake must be made in moderate quantity else, leading to rapid weight gain. However, make sure to feed only the plain oatmeal instead of any flavored one, which might otherwise be harmful for consumption.

Coffee And Tea

Due to the presence of caffeine content, the consumption of coffee and tea is considered to be dangerous for the dog. Caffeine stimulates the dog’s nervous system, leading to various problems like vomiting, hyperactivity, diarrhea, tremors, and elevated heart rate. Even a tiny amount of coffee may prove fatal at times, leading to failure of lungs, abnormal heart rhythms, and sometimes even death.

In the end, you must keep in mind that while some foods are considered safe and healthy for dogs to consume, there are even some that prove to be deadly. Different foods, when introduced in the diet, must be added in gradual quantities. This way, you could probably monitor the resulting adverse effects, if any.

You must keep in mind that the dog must be fed in moderate quantities even if the food is deemed safe for consumption purposes. This will help to prevent any weight gain or negative issues after consumption. Ultimately the matter is every dog is different. While some might probably tolerate any food relatively quickly, some might experience adverse health impacts. So, make sure to serve other food to your dog, but that is a non-toxic one.

Joshua K. Lopez

As a health blogger, my goal is to educate people on healthy living and wellness trends. Through my writing, I hope to promote positive mental and physical health and provide people with tips, tricks, and recipes to lead a healthier lifestyle. My work has been featured in The Huffington Post, LiveStrong, FitSugar, and more. I’ve even appeared on national television, including The Doctors.