Missed Periods? Check What Can Be The Reasons

We all know that periods happen every month, and missing them at any stage can make a girl freak out. Sometimes, the problem can be because of the adverse reaction of your body. Health issues, changes in the routine, and diet plan can contribute to missed periods. Here are a couple of reasons that can explain the reasons behind the missed periods-

Too much stress

Have you been taking too much stress these days? It’s pretty natural to miss a period in such a case. Excess amounts of tension in the body can hamper the endocrine system. The normal hormones do not work traditionally and create a problem in the reproductive system. Eventually, that leads to missed periods and other health issues. Just Stay relaxed and enjoy periods every month!

The weight difference

If You have lost or gained weight for any reason, it is quite natural for you to miss a period in such a scenario. When your BMI changes, it can Trigger a chaotic hormonal imbalance. Eventually, you will be able to get back to the average period flow, but it might seem disrupted for a couple of months.

Stopping upper workout sessions

Lack of exercise can also be the probable cause behind missed periods. If you train your body for several hours a day and suddenly stop doing that, the body responds to that by creating a hormonal imbalance. Missing the periods in such a case is expected. Eventually, you will be able to resume your body workability in the usual way possible.

Missed Periods


Polycystic ovary syndrome is quite common among women. For some people, PCOS can be the reason why one does not ovulate well. During PCOS, the periods may be inconsistent or lighter than usual. the symptoms of Polycystic ovarian syndrome include the following symptoms-

  1. Rough facial texture and body hair
  2. Thinning of hair
  3. dark patches all over the skin and neck
  4. Infertility

Chronic condition

A particular variety of chronic health conditions can lead to menstrual irregularity. Autoimmune diseases can impact your digestive system and lead to damages that can affect the menstrual cycle. People with Type 1 or type 2 diabetes often experience irregular periods.

Birth control pills

People who are regularly on birth control pills can have affected periods. Sometimes, birth control pills hurt your hormonal level that can end up changing the monthly cycle. Also, specific hormonal birth control methods, including implant or cd, can stop your periods altogether.


The butterfly-shaped gland is responsible for managing hormones that regulate several activities in the human body. The thyroid is also associated with menstrual cycles. If the gland is affected for any reason, there can be a regularity in the periods that can affect the frequency. The periods may disappear for more than one month in case of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Symptoms of Thyroid malfunctioning include –

  1. Heart palpitation
  2. unexplained weight changes
  3. tremors
  4. changes in the quality of hair
  5. troubled sleeping
  6. appetite changes

Verge of Menopause

If you are on the verge of Menopause, stay ready for missed periods. You can either cut a period for one month or three months consecutively. Moreover, whenever the period arises, it may unexpectedly take place and fall heavier than usual.

Early Menopause

Some of the women face Menopause earlier than 50 years of age. The ovaries can stop working even before you turn 40. It is all because the estrogen level drops more than the permissible level. The main sign of ovarian failure include the following –

  1. Lower sexual Desire
  2. trouble in concentrating
  3. vaginal dryness
  4. lower fertility rate


One of the most apparent reasons for missed periods includes pregnancy. A pregnant woman is most likely to miss periods. However, the pregnancy cannot be detected 15 days after the period. The symptoms of pregnancy include –

  1. Pain in the breast
  2. vomiting
  3. tiredness

Final words

Missing the periods can be worrying. However, sometimes there are specific unexplained reasons behind the phenomena. If your period does not arrive for more than 40 days, fix an appointment with the health care expert and get the problem checked.

Joshua K. Lopez

As a health blogger, my goal is to educate people on healthy living and wellness trends. Through my writing, I hope to promote positive mental and physical health and provide people with tips, tricks, and recipes to lead a healthier lifestyle. My work has been featured in The Huffington Post, LiveStrong, FitSugar, and more. I’ve even appeared on national television, including The Doctors.