An Apple a day keeps the doctor away – something we all have heard at least once in our lives. And it is believed that Apple has a lot of nutrition in it. Even apples are one of the most popular fruits worldwide, and they are filled with fiber, vitamin C, and many antioxidants. Moreover, they also work as a filling and have low calories count. Even different reports have said that apples even have a lot of health benefits too. And in this article, I am going to talk about apple crazy nutrition facts and health benefits.
So here we go:
Apple Crazy Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
Apple Nutrition Facts:
, and it is one of the most commonly grown tree fruits in the world. In Europe and Asia, apples have been growing for thousands of years now, and they are originated from Central Asia. And later, they were introduced to North America by colonists. Apples are highly healthy fruit for humans. As they are filled with sodium, fat, and other elements, it works as a source of dietary fiber. Even Apple has been proved to be beneficial to those dealing with diabetes as apples can help regulate blood sugar and so on. However, to make you understand in a better way, here are some of the crazy Apple Nutrition Facts:
A medium-sized Apple with a 3-inch diameter and about 182g in weight can have:
- Calories: 95
- Fat: 0.3g
- Sodium: 2mg
- Carbohydrates: 25.1g
- Fiber: 4.4g
- Sugars: 18.9g
- Protein: 0.8g
Carbs in Apples:
One medium apple can also contain about 95 calories and 25 grams of carbohydrate. And this is the same amount of carbohydrate that you can get from two slices of bread. Even some of the carbohydrates in Apple come from fiber, which is about 4.4 grams. But most of the carbohydrate comes from sugar only. And in case if you are keeping an eye on the carbohydrate intake. Then you might want to choose a small-sized apple that is about 4z or the same as a tennis ball. This will offer you a carbohydrate level of 15grams.
Also, you should know that some of the more giant apples can contain as much as 35 or more grams of carbohydrate. Moreover, the glycemic index of apples is said to be 38. And a medium apple has a glycemic load of about six. Also, apples are considered a low glycemic index and load food. This means the carbohydrate in your body slowly gets converted to sugar in your body. And this is what makes Apple an ideal option for those trying to lose weight or dealing with diabetes.
Fats in Apples:
Apple offers you less than one gram of fat. And it does not matter what the size of the apple is.
Protein in Apples
If you are looking for protein, then Apples are not a good choice. Apple only offers you less than one gram of protein.
Micronutrients in Apples
The best part of Apple is that it provides you with essential vitamins and minerals to your body. You will be getting 8.4 mg of Vitamin C from a medium-sized apple. Or you will be getting 14 percent of your daily recommended intake. Even Apple offers you a smaller amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, thiamin, niacin, folate, and riboflavin. Also, you will find minerals in Apple. Apple includes minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, calcium and iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.
Apple Health Benefits
Apple Protects Your Heart
Multiple studies have proven that apps are good for your heart. As you already know that Apple includes high fiber content. As a result, it helps in improving cholesterol levels. Apple lowers the bad LDL cholesterol and helps in increasing good HDL cholesterol. Also, a review of data from three major studies has found that people who eat lots of fruits, including apples, are less likely to develop high blood pressure. Also, according to a women’s health study, Apple reduced the risk of heart disease by 22 percent. Also, according to a Dutch study, it is said that eating apples and pears regularly lowers downs 52 percent of stroke risks as they have high fiber.
Helps In Boosting Brain Health
A group of four extensive studies was presented at the Alzheimer’s Association’s International Conference/. And these studies said that apples help in boosting brain health. According to the survey, those stuck to a Nordic Prudent Dietary Pattern (NPDP) diet had better cognitive function than those with more fatty and processed foods. Also, the NPDP diet suggests we eat plenty of non-root vegetables, pears, and of course, apples.
Helps You Lose Weight
You should also know that apple helps in losing weight. One medium-sized apple can help you to fill 100 calories. Hence, there is no doubt that Apple works excellent for weight loss. According to a study, people who ate apple slices before a meal felt much fuller than more satisfied people who had applesauce, apple juice, or no apples at all. The same study also suggests that starting a meal with apple slices helped people eat an average of 200 or fewer calories compared to those who skipped the apple slices. Also, what kind of apple you eat makes a huge difference. According to a study, Granny smith apples have fewer carbs than the non-digestible compounds, including total fiber compared to McIntosh, Golden Delicious, and other common varieties. The compounds also help in feeding healthy gut bacteria. As a result, it helps in lowering obesity-related problems.
Fights Cancer
Apples rank second only to berries in antioxidants. Hence, apples are a good option when it comes to fighting cancer. In fact, according to several Italian studies, it is said that eating one or more servings of Apples a day helped to lower the risk of colorectal cancer more than eating any other fruit. Other studies have also suggested that Apples can help prevent lung and prostate cancer. However, while eating, you should not peel the apple. As most of the cancer-fighting antioxidants are found in the peel only.
Lowers Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Apples also help in lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. According to a study, those who ate one or more apples a day have a 28 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes than nonapple eaters. Also, according to a review of data by Harvard, researchers found that people who ate at least two servings a week of blueberries, grapes, and yup apples lowered their diabetes risk by 23 percent compared to those who consume one or two apples in a month. Plus, the experts suggest that Apple helps in stabilizing blood sugar. Also, in apples, you find Flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that also plays an important role.
Helps In Fighting Asthama
Apple has a rich amount of antioxidants, and it can help you protect your lungs from oxidative damage. According to an extensive study of more than 68,00 women, those who eat the most apples have the lowest risk of asthma. Also, consuming about 15% of a large apple per day was linked to a 10% lower risk of this condition. Also, the apple skin contains the flavonoid quercetin, which can help you regulate your body’s immune system. And it can help you in reducing inflammation.
Apples Are Good For Your Bone Health
Apples are also good health for your bone health. Eating lots of fruit is directly linked to higher bone destiny. So you can have strong bones. According to researches, Apple has a lot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. It can help in promoting bone density and strength. Even some studies show that Apples have the most positive effect on bone health compared to other foods. According to another study, women who eat meals that include fresh apples or peeled apples have lost less calcium from their bodies.
Boost your immune system
Apples can also help in boosting your immune system. As you already know that read apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. And according to recent studies have found that quercetin can help you in boosting and fortifying your immune system, especially when you’re stressed out. And it is one of the unexpected benefits coming from Apple.
Final Words:
So those were the Apple Crazy Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. Apples are great food, and it has a lot of benefits. Hence, doctors around the globe suggest we eat at least one apple a day. So I hope after reading these benefits, I hope you will start eating apples and start living a healthy life if you have any more questions to ask. Then do feel free to leave a comment below.