This time last year, I was just about to get prepared to go into surgery for a rhinoplasty procedure. This decision was not taken lightly at all, and it was, in fact, something that I mulled over for many years before finally taking the plunge, and I am so glad that I did! Getting the right surgeon wasn’t’ easy, and after reading so many reviews, good and bad, I finally decided after reading the Dean Toriumi reviews that he would be the perfect fit for me. Undergoing any procedure like rhinoplasty must be done for the right reasons, however, and here are what those reasons should be.
There are many situations where people will have rhinoplasty to reshape the nose after an injury or an accident. In this situation, you will probably have no choice about your nose reconstruction, and it will be a decision made by the medical professionals. On the other hand, numerous health issues can be resolved with rhinoplasty, such as difficulty breathing through restricted nasal passages. If you have a problem that you think rhinoplasty can help with, make sure that you contact your surgeon to find out whether they can help you.
Shape or Form
My decision to undergo rhinoplasty was not related to anything medical but rather that I have always hated my nose’s shape. For many years I would try and hide from photographs, and I hated looking at pictures of myself, all because of that crooked nose. In truth, I would like to have changed many areas of my body, but the nose was without question the area that had caused me the most problems throughout my life. Despite this, I still gave the decision a great deal of thought before I finally decided to change it, for no other reason than altering a part of your body is a big decision to make.
The Dangers
I say that there are right and wrong reasons for doing this because we live in a society whereby many people, predominantly younger people, are having areas of their body augmented for very much the wrong reasons. In some cases, you have people changing their bodies because they want to keep up with a particular fashion or trend, which is, of course, never a good reason to have your body changed. Another issue that many have is body dysmorphia, which means that no matter how much surgery they have, they will still dislike their body areas. In this situation, the person needs counseling rather than surgery. If you want to have a procedure like this done, make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons, spending some time thinking about what you want and why before you settle on your decision.